NonOilen is made from a mixture of PLA and PHB to improve toughness and temperature resistance.  Photo via Fillamentum.

Fillamentum unveils first totally biodegradable filament NonOilen for 3D printing

The Czech 3D printing filament manufacturer Fillamentum has launched NonOilen, its first 100 percent biodegradable filament for 3D printing.

The bio-based filament is made from a mixture of polylactic acid (PLA) and polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) to achieve improved toughness and temperature-resistant properties. It can be used over and over to adhere to the principles of a circular economy.

As soon as an object printed with NonOilen has reached the end of its life cycle, it can be completely broken down into biomass, water and carbon dioxide (CO2) when disposing of compost or food waste or sent back to Filamentum for recycling. The company has also joined the DHL GoGreen program to neutralize its carbon footprint with every NonOilen package sent through the delivery service.

According to the company, the driving force behind the development of NonOilen was to reduce the use of fossil fuels such as oil to create 3D printable filaments and reduce the company’s ecological footprint on the planet.

NonOilen is made from a mixture of PLA and PHB to improve toughness and temperature resistance. Photo via Fillamentum.

Development of a fully bio-based and biodegradable filament

Previous attempts to improve the biodegradability of plastics included the manufacture of oxo-bioplastics, in which standard polymers were modified by adding substances that cause degradation in the presence of oxygen. However, these oxo-bioplastics cannot be sufficiently broken down in the compost, since secondary microplastics, which arise when the plastic decays, can have harmful effects on the environment such as the soil or oceans.

To solve this problem, according to Filamentum, new ways of breaking down such polymers must be discovered. In addition, new sources need to be found to replace fossil resources in the production of biodegradable polymers with high quality inputs and improvements in waste treatment.

To this end, the company’s newest 3D printing filament, NonOilen, has emerged from a long-term partnership with the research team of Professor Pavol Alexy from the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, Slovakia. The filament is 100 percent biodegradable and all of the polymers used in its manufacture are completely bio-based.

Once an object has reached the end of its useful life, it can be placed in industrial or household compost bins for food waste, which degrades about three times faster than standard PLA. The PHB in NonOilen acts as an initiator for the degradation process, which allows bacteria to depolymerize and metabolize the polymer more quickly.

Alternatively, when the material is sent back to Filamentum, it is recycled and reused several times while maintaining its mechanical properties.

The principle of a circular economy.  Image via Fillamentum.The principle of a circular economy. Image via Fillamentum.

Mechanical properties of non-oils

In addition to its biodegradable properties, NonOilen also has improved toughness, hardness and strength properties compared to standard PLA due to its PHB content.

One of the main advantages of the filament is its temperature resistance of up to 110 degrees Celsius after 3D printing, so no annealing is required. NonOilen is easy to print, supposedly comparable to the ease of printing with standard PLA, with parts having a smooth surface with a natural silk look that is translucent in a thin layer when printed.

Objects printed with NonOilen have a long service life and are harmless for food contact applications. The filament can also be used to make 3D printed electrical components and electronic devices.

According to Filamentum, NonOilen can retain its mechanical properties even after “repeated” recycling. This is an improvement over the company’s other biodegradable filaments, PLA Extrafill and PLA Crystal Clear, both of which exhibit at least some loss of mechanical properties when recycled. In addition, the material outperforms the company’s Timberfill filament, which is biodegradable but cannot be recycled.

NonOilen also has a significantly higher temperature resistance than the company’s other biodegradable filaments and a significantly shorter time to biodegrade.

Objects printed with NonOilen are harmless for food contact applications.  Photo via Fillamentum.Objects printed with NonOilen are harmless for food contact applications. Photo via Fillamentum.

“Green Prototyping” by NonOilen von Fremach

Fremach, a global supplier of complex plastic components for the automotive market, has tested the NonOilen filament from Fillamentum in the manufacture of control gauges and gears. The company chose the material because of its resistance to high temperatures and its full recyclability. This is a welcome benefit when printing a large number of these components.

The gauges are used to check the positions of symbols on decorative parts that are no longer used after their purpose has been fulfilled. The recyclability of NonOilen is therefore a great benefit for the company and enables Fremach to significantly reduce waste. The 3D printed gears are part of a rotating system for painting cylindrical parts, and here Fremach welcomes the filament’s ability to withstand the high temperatures the gears are exposed to in the pant shop oven without deforming.

“The benefits of 3D printing are obvious and are becoming increasingly important to our business,” said Miroslava Pribylova, process engineer at Fremach. “In addition, Fillamentum’s ecological thinking motivates us to bring our own steps closer to nature.”

In collaboration with Fillamentum, Fremach will regularly collect and recycle unused parts made from NonOilen materials for use in its own production. Starting today, Fillamentum is available for purchase and shipping.

NonOilen retains its mechanical properties even after repeated recycling.  Photo via Fillamentum.NonOilen retains its mechanical properties even after repeated recycling. Photo via Fillamentum.

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The picture shown shows that the Filamentum NonOilen filament is bio-based and completely biodegradable. Photo via Fillamentum.

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3D-Druck Filamentmaterial

3D Printing Filament Materials Market Measurement,Share,Development Issue 2021 International Trade Demand, Key Findings, Regional Evaluation, Key Gamers Profiles, Future Prospects and Forecasts to 2027

Global Markt für 3D-Druckfilamentmaterialien Der Forschungsbericht enthält eine wichtige Marktanalyse, Markttreiber, Branchenbeschränkungen, Wettbewerbsentwicklungen und Markttrends. Der Markt für 3D-Druckfilamentmaterialien analysiert jedes Marktsegment und seine Anwendungen, regulatorischen Rahmenbedingungen, Technologien, Marktprognosen und Marktanteile. Eine vollständige geografische Analyse des Marktes wird auch im Bericht vorgestellt.3D Der Marktforschungsbericht für Druckfilamentmaterialien bietet die Marktdefinition, Marktanteile, Treiber, Einschränkungen, Chancen und Herausforderungen in einem umfangreichen Format. Auf der Grundlage des Typs wird der Markt weiter in folgende Kategorien eingeteilt: Basierend auf den Regionen ist der Markt für 3D-Druckfilamentmaterialien in den asiatisch-pazifischen Raum, nach Europa, Nordamerika, Lateinamerika sowie in den Nahen Osten und nach Afrika unterteilt. Der historische Zeitraum, der im Bericht berücksichtigt wird, reicht von 2016 bis 2021. Das Basisjahr wird als 2021 betrachtet. Die prognostizierten Jahre sind 2021 bis 2027. Diese Märkte wettbewerbsfähiger Hersteller und die kommenden Hersteller werden mit ihren Untersuchungen untersucht. Umsatz, Produktion, Preis, Marktanteil dieser Akteure werden mit detaillierten Informationen angegeben.

Holen Sie sich eine Beispielkopie des Berichts –

Marktanteil von 3D-Druckfilamentmaterialien Bietet eine umfassende Zusammenfassung der Anbieterlandschaft, Wettbewerbsanalysen und Schlüsselstrategien, um Wettbewerbsvorteile zu erzielen.3D Die Marktprognose für 3D-Druckfilamentmaterialien bietet Größen- und Wachstumschancen für den Zeitraum 2021-2027. Bietet umfassende Einblicke in die neuesten Branchentrends, Prognosen und Wachstumstreiber auf dem Markt. Bericht Enthält eine detaillierte Analyse der Wachstumstreiber, Herausforderungen und Investitionsmöglichkeiten. Bietet einen vollständigen Überblick über die Segmente und die regionalen Aussichten des Marktes.

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Die Liste der besten Schlüsselspieler im Marktbericht für 3D-Druckfilamentmaterialien ist: –

  • Filabot
  • Evonik Industries
  • Polymaker
  • Voxeljet
  • Solvay
  • LG Chem
  • Markiert
  • Kohlenstoff
  • Proto Labs
  • Materialisieren

Über den Markt für 3D-Druckfilamentmaterialien:

3D Printing Filament ist das thermoplastische Ausgangsmaterial für 3D-Drucker zur Modellierung der Schmelzabscheidung. Es gibt viele Arten von Filamenten mit unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften, für deren Druck unterschiedliche Temperaturen erforderlich sind. PLA (Polymilchsäure) ist eines der beiden am häufigsten verwendeten 3D-Desktop-Druckfilamente (das andere ist ABS-Filament). Es ist das empfohlene Standardmaterial für viele Desktop-3D-Drucker, und das aus gutem Grund: PLA ist in einer Vielzahl von Druckanwendungen nützlich, hat den Vorteil, dass es sowohl geruchlos als auch verzugsarm ist und kein beheiztes Bett benötigt. PLA-Filament ist auch eines der umweltfreundlicheren verfügbaren 3D-Druckermaterialien. Es wird aus jährlich nachwachsenden Rohstoffen (Maisstärke) hergestellt und benötigt im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Kunststoffen (auf Erdölbasis) weniger Energie für die Verarbeitung. ABS (Acrylnitril-Butadien-Styrol) ist ein weiteres häufig verwendetes 3D-Druckermaterial. Am besten für die Herstellung langlebiger Teile geeignet, die höheren Temperaturen standhalten müssen. ABS-Kunststoff ist im Vergleich zu PLA-Filamenten weniger „spröde“ und „duktiler“. Es kann auch mit Aceton nachbearbeitet werden, um ein glänzendes Finish zu erzielen. Marktanalyse und Erkenntnisse: Globaler Markt für 3D-DruckfilamentmaterialienDer globale Markt für 3D-Druckfilamentmaterialien wurde 2019 mit 197,8 Mio. USD bewertet und wird voraussichtlich bis 1010,7 Mio. USD erreichen Ende 2026 mit einem CAGR von 25,8% im Zeitraum 2021-2026. Globales 3D-Druckfilamentmaterial

Markt für 3D-Druckfilamentmaterialien nach Typ:

  • Flexibles Filamentmaterial
  • Starres Filamentmaterial
  • Semiflexibles Filamentmaterial

Markt für 3D-Druckfilamentmaterialien nach Anwendung:

  • Luft- und Raumfahrt und Verteidigung
  • Medizin und Zahnmedizin
  • Automobil
  • Konsumgüter
  • Bildung
  • Andere

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GeographischDieser Bericht ist in mehrere Schlüsselregionen unterteilt, wobei Umsatz, Umsatz, Marktanteil und Wachstumsrate von 3D-Druckfilamentmaterial in diesen Regionen von 2015 bis 2027 abgedeckt sind

  • Nordamerika (USA, Kanada und Mexiko)
  • Europa (Deutschland, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Italien, Russland und die Türkei usw.)
  • Asien-Pazifik (China, Japan, Korea, Indien, Australien, Indonesien, Thailand, Philippinen, Malaysia und Vietnam)
  • Südamerika (Brasilien, Argentinien, Kolumbien usw.)
  • Naher Osten und Afrika (Saudi-Arabien, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, Ägypten, Nigeria und Südafrika)

Die Studienziele dieses Berichts sind:

  • Untersuchung und Analyse der globalen Marktgröße (Wert und Volumen) für 3D-Druckfilamentmaterialien nach Unternehmen, Schlüsselregionen / -ländern, Produkten und Anwendungen, Verlaufsdaten von 2016 bis 2018 und Prognose bis 2027.
  • Verständnis der Struktur des Marktes für 3D-Druckfilamentmaterialien durch Identifizierung der verschiedenen Untersegmente.
  • Austausch detaillierter Informationen über die Schlüsselfaktoren, die das Wachstum des Marktes beeinflussen (Wachstumspotenzial, Chancen, Treiber, branchenspezifische Herausforderungen und Risiken).
  • Konzentriert sich auf die weltweit wichtigsten Hersteller von 3D-Druckfilamentmaterialien, um in den nächsten Jahren Verkaufsvolumen, Wert, Marktanteil, Marktwettbewerbslandschaft, SWOT-Analyse und Entwicklungspläne zu definieren, zu beschreiben und zu analysieren.
  • Analyse des 3D-Druckfilamentmaterials im Hinblick auf individuelle Wachstumstrends, Zukunftsaussichten und deren Beitrag zum Gesamtmarkt.
  • Projektierung des Werts und des Volumens von Teilmärkten für 3D-Druckfilamentmaterial in Bezug auf Schlüsselregionen (zusammen mit ihren jeweiligen Schlüsselländern).
  • Analyse von Wettbewerbsentwicklungen wie Erweiterungen, Vereinbarungen, Produkteinführungen und Akquisitionen auf dem Markt.
  • Strategische Profilierung der Hauptakteure und umfassende Analyse ihrer Wachstumsstrategien.


  • Rohstofflieferanten
  • Händler / Händler / Großhändler / Lieferanten
  • Regulierungsbehörden, einschließlich Regierungsbehörden und NRO
  • Kommerzielle Forschungs- und Entwicklungseinrichtungen (F & E)
  • Importeure und Exporteure
  • Regierungsorganisationen, Forschungsorganisationen und Beratungsunternehmen
  • Fachverbände und Branchenverbände
  • Endverbrauchsindustrien

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Wichtige Punkte aus dem Inhaltsverzeichnis:

1 Berichtsübersicht
1.1 Studienumfang
1.2 Wichtige Marktsegmente
1.3 Abgedeckte Spieler
1.4 Marktanalyse nach Typ
1.4.1 Wachstumsrate der globalen Marktgröße für 3D-Druckfilamentmaterialien nach Typ (2016-2027)
1.4.2 Haupttyp
1.4.3 Unabhängiger Typ
1.4.4 Administrator-Typ
1.5 Markt nach Anwendung
1.5.1 Weltweiter Marktanteil von 3D-Druckfilamenten nach Anwendung (2016-2027)
1.5.2 Kommerziell
1.5.3 Gemeinwohl
1.5.4 Sonstiges
1.6 Studienziele
1,7 Jahre berücksichtigt

2 Globale Wachstumstrends
2.1 Marktgröße für 3D-Druckfilamentmaterial
2.2 Wachstumstrends des 3D-Druckfilamentmaterials nach Regionen
2.2.1 Marktgröße für 3D-Druckfilamentmaterialien nach Regionen (2016-2027)
2.2.2 Marktanteil von 3D-Druckfilamenten nach Regionen (2016-2021)
2.3 Branchentrends
2.3.1 Top-Markttrends
2.3.2 Markttreiber
2.3.3 Marktchancen

3 Marktanteil der Hauptakteure
3.1 Marktgröße für 3D-Druckfilamentmaterialien nach Herstellern
3.1.1 Globaler Umsatz mit 3D-Druckfilamentmaterial nach Herstellern (2016-2021)
3.1.2 Weltweiter Marktanteil bei 3D-Druckfilamentmaterialien nach Herstellern (2016-2021)
3.1.3 Globales Marktkonzentrationsverhältnis für 3D-Druckfilamentmaterialien (CR5 und HHI)
3.2 3D-Druck Filamentmaterial Hauptakteure Hauptsitz und bedienter Bereich
3.3 Hauptakteure 3D-Druck Filamentmaterial Produkt / Lösung / Service
3.4 Datum des Eintritts in den Markt für 3D-Druckfilamentmaterialien
3.5 Fusionen und Übernahmen, Expansionspläne

4 Aufschlüsselung der Daten nach Typ und Anwendung
4.1 Globale Marktgröße für 3D-Druckfilamentmaterialien nach Typ (2016-2021)
4.2 Globale Marktgröße für 3D-Druckfilamentmaterialien nach Anwendung (2016-2021)

(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) USA, Europa, China, Japan, Südostasien, Indien, Mittel- und Südamerika
Marktgröße für 3D-Druckfilamentmaterial (2016-2021)
Marktgröße für 3D-Druckfilamentmaterial nach Typ
Marktgröße für 3D-Druckfilamentmaterial nach Anwendung

12 internationale Spielerprofile
Firmenbeschreibung und Geschäftsüberblick
3D-Druck Filamentmaterial Einführung
Umsatz im Geschäft mit 3D-Druckfilamentmaterialien (2016-2021)
Die neueste Entwicklung

13 Marktprognose 2021-2027
13.1 Marktgrößenprognose nach Regionen
13.2 Vereinigte Staaten
13.3 Europa
13.4 China
13.5 Japan
13.6 Südostasien
13.7 Indien
13.8 Mittel- und Südamerika
13.9 Marktgrößenprognose nach Produkten (2021-2027)
13.10 Marktgrößenprognose nach Anwendung (2021-2027)

14 Standpunkte / Schlussfolgerungen des Analysten

15 Anhang
15.1 Forschungsmethodik
15.1.1 Methodik / Forschungsansatz Forschungsprogramme / Design Marktgrößenschätzung Marktaufschlüsselung und Datentriangulation
15.1.2 Datenquelle Sekundärquellen Primärquellen
15.2 Haftungsausschluss
15.3 Autorendetails


Über uns: –

Marktberichte Welt ist die glaubwürdige Quelle für die Gewinnung von Marktberichten, die Ihnen den Vorsprung bieten, den Ihr Unternehmen benötigt. Der Markt verändert sich rasant mit der anhaltenden Expansion der Branche. Die Weiterentwicklung der Technologie hat den heutigen Unternehmen vielfältige Vorteile verschafft, die zu täglichen wirtschaftlichen Veränderungen führen. Daher ist es für ein Unternehmen sehr wichtig, die Muster der Marktbewegungen zu verstehen, um eine bessere Strategie zu entwickeln. Eine effiziente Strategie bietet den Unternehmen einen Vorsprung bei der Planung und einen Wettbewerbsvorteil.


Name: Ajay Mehr

Email: [email protected]

Telefon: US +1 424 253 0807 / UK +44 203 239 8187

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Leistritz Adds 3D Filament Line to Lab

Leistritz Provides 3D Filament Line to Lab

Leistritz recently installed a ZSE-3D twin screw extrusion line in its process laboratory in Somerville, NJ. The system is intended to support customers in the development and production of 3D filaments from a co-rotating or counter-rotating twin screw extruder. The direct extrusion of raw materials facilitates the quick sampling of products and leads to a lower heat and shear history compared to two-stage processes, which is particularly advantageous for heat and shear-sensitive formulations, says Leistritz.

The system consists of a ZSE twin screw extruder configured for compounding, degassing and / or reactivation of the extrusion. Weight Loss Feeders for Pellets, Powders, or Fibers; a liquid injection system; a front attachment of the gear pump; a 3D filament nozzle for 1 to 5 mm diameter. Parts; an air shelf or a water tank with a sizing socket; and a downstream tape puller, a laser measuring device and a winder (or cutter).

According to Leistritz, the system is ideal for in-line compounding of polymers with additives and active fillers in order to quickly develop new filaments and formulations. Formulations can be modified “on the fly” for quick sampling of filaments with different formulation percentages. A sample can be made every 10 minutes. The Leistritz ZSE-3D filament system is designed for operation at 425 ° C and can be configured for water-soluble and high-temperature technical polymers.

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Davis-Standard to showcase TPE tubing and ABS filament line at MD&M West 2020

Davis-Customary to showcase TPE tubing and ABS filament line at MD&M West 2020

Davis-Standard will exhibit an ongoing TPE tubing and ABS filament line during MD&M West (February 11-13).

The line will demonstrate the versatility of processing by laying TPE tubes on the first two days of the fair and ABS filaments on the third day. The line is able to process a wide variety of flexible hose materials.

Kevin Dipollino, Senior Product Manager for Tubing, Profile and Tubing Systems, said, “This line is an excellent example of a space-saving system that can be used for both medical and industrial tubing footprint and functionality for line speeds up to 300 Feet per minute (~ 91 mpm) when space is a limiting factor. The line also has a turntable to allow processing at a 90 degree angle and to accommodate additional space constraints such as those encountered in clean room environments. “

Cooperative approach

The line components include a Davis-Standard 50mm Super Blue extruder with e-TPC-II control, a Guill spiral crosshead nozzle and tool, a Conair 12-foot multipass vacuum sizing tank, a servo puller, and an automatic and transfer winder as well as Zumbach OD / ID wall gauge and control system. The TPE material is supplied by Teknor Apex.

Davis-Standard has worked with Guill, Conair and Zumbach for many years to offer customers complete system solutions. The TPE tubing that will be installed at the show has an outside diameter of 0.145 inches and an inside diameter of 0.0108 inches, and the ABS filament rod has an outside diameter of 1.75 mm. Each line component is designed for tight tolerances, consistent quality and performance efficiency.

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Taulman3D Releases Nylon 680 3D Printer Filament – FDA Permitted for Meals Contact & Extra –

When it comes to the materials science behind 3D printer filaments, few, if any, companies have the experience that taulman3D has. You released some of the most versatile filaments we have have seen so far specializing in a wide variety of nylon materials.

As early as November we announced that taulman3d was working with another very interesting company in the field of 3D printing materials, Graphene 3D Lab. As part of this partnership, the companies announced that Graphene 3D Lab will have exclusive distribution rights to an upcoming nylon material that taulman3D is expected to release in the first quarter of 2015. Just one more day in the quarter, it seems today is that day.

This polymer is called nylon 680 and is unlike anything you’ve seen in the past. It has been in development for over 8 months and is FDA cleared for uses that require food or beverage contact. This is due to its ability to handle high temperatures associated with steam, boiling water, and the use of dishwashers. It was specially developed for FFF 3D printing and, like all filaments from taulman3D, has a constant melt viscosity.

Unlike many of the filaments we are discussing, which require the pellets to be converted into strands and spools of filament, this new nylon 680 filament is not extruded but rather drawn under constantly updated water that has a pH of 7.0 to 7 , 2 maintains.


Below are the full specifications of this new filament. It is important to note that these results are based on tests performed on 3D printed tensile bars that were first boiled in water at ~ 100 ° C for 15 minutes and then placed in a dry room at 15% humidity for 12 hours.

  • Color: Subtly translucent Shell White when printed firmly – Can be colored with acid based dyes.
  • Availability: 1.75mm and 2.85mm of material are available and are now shipping worldwide.tt1
  • Tensile Strength: 4,686 PSI +
  • PSI module: 28,634
  • Required cold pressure bed: BuildTak with PVA cover
  • Required hot pressure bed: Glass with PVA coating heated to 50 ° C
  • Maximum elongation at break: 226%.
  • Printing temperature: 250 ° C – 255 ° C.
  • Shrinkage: 0.006 inch / inch
  • Transmission: ~ 70%

Another advantage of nylon 680 is its translucent and somewhat transparent properties. In this way, printed parts can be visually checked for defects such as defective internal filler adhesion. tt4without the need for destructive testing.

Taulman3D said the partnership with the publicly traded Graphene 3D Lab should help advance materials research and further expand the possibilities of this nylon 680 offering. For those interested in this new filament, it’s available for $ 70.00 / 1 lb spool. Let us know if you had the opportunity to use it and what your thoughts were. Discuss on the Nylon 680 forum thread on

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3D Printer Filament Materials, 3D Printer Filament Materials Market, 3D Printer Filament Materials Market Research, 3D Printer Filament Materials Market Report, 3D Printer Filament Materials Market Report, 3D Printer Filament Materials Market Report, 3D Printer Filament Materials Market Growth, Asia 3D Printer Filament Materials Market, 3D Market -Printer Filament Materials in Australia, 3D Printer Filament Materials Market in Europe, 3D Printer Filament Materials Market in France, 3D Printer Filament Materials Market in Germany, 3D Printer Filament Materials Market in Major Countries, 3D Printer Filament Materials Market in UK, 3D Printer Filament Materials Market in United States, Canada 3D Printer Filament Materials Market, Israel 3D Printer Filament Materials Market, Korea 3D Printer Filament Materials Market, Japan 3D Printer Filament Materials Market, 3D Printer Filament Materials Market Forecast by 2027, Brand 3D Printer Filament Materials t Forecast to 2027, Comprehensive Analysis of 3D Printer Filament Materials Market, Impact of COVID 19 on 3D Printer Filament Materials Market, Stratasys, 3D Systems, ESUN, ORD Solutions 3D Printer Filament, Jet, Repraper, MeltInk, 3D fuel, MG chemicals, ProtoPlant, 3Dom, Zortrax, MyMat, FormFutura, Tiertime, Shenzhen Rebirth 3D technology, Shenzhen eSUN Industrial, Zhehan plastic and metal manufacture

Complete Report on 3D Printer Filament Supplies Market 2021

Download sample report

3D Printer Filament Materials Market Research Report is the new statistical data source added by A2Z market research.

“The 3D printer filament materials market is growing at a high CAGR in the forecast period 2021-2027. The increasing interest of individuals in this industry is the main reason for the expansion of this market. “

3D Printer Filament Materials Market Research is an intelligence report with meticulous efforts to investigate the correct and valuable information. The data that has been considered is created taking into account both the existing top players and the upcoming competitors. The business strategies of the main players and the new market entry industries are examined in depth. Well-explained SWOT analysis, revenue sharing and contact information are shared in this report analysis.

Get the Sample PDF Copy (including the FULL table of contents, graphs, and tables) of this report @:

Note – For a more accurate market forecast, all of our reports will be updated prior to delivery taking into account the impact of COVID-19.

The main actors in this report are:

Stratasys, 3D systems, ESUN, ORD solutions 3D printer filament, Jet, Repraper, MeltInk, 3D fuel, MG chemicals, ProtoPlant, 3Dom, Zortrax, MyMat, FormFutura, Tiertime, Shenzhen Rebirth 3D technology, Shenzhen eSUN Industrial , Zhehan Plastic and Metal Manufactory.

The main questions answered in this report:

  • What will the market size and growth rate be in the forecast year?
  • What are the key factors driving the 3D Printer Filament Materials Market?
  • What are the risks and challenges ahead of the market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the 3D printer filament materials market?
  • Which trend factors influence the market shares?
  • What are the key findings of Porter’s Five Forces Model?
  • What are the global opportunities to expand the 3D printer filament materials market?

Various factors are responsible for the growth path of the market, which are examined in detail in the report. Additionally, the report also enumerates the restraints that pose a threat to the global 3D Printer Filament Materials Market. It also measures the bargaining power of suppliers and buyers, the threat posed by new entrants and product substitutes, and the level of competition in the market. The impact of the latest government policies is also analyzed in depth in the report. It studies the development of the 3D printer filament materials market between the forecast periods.

Global 3D Printer Filament Materials Market Segmentation:

Market segmentation by type: ABS, PLA, PET, others.

Market segmentation by application: Medical, automotive, aerospace, manufacturing, military.

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Regions Covered in Global 3D Printer Filament Materials Market Report 2021:
• • The Middle East and Africa (GCC countries and Egypt)
• • North America (USA, Mexico and Canada)
• • South America (Brazil etc.)
• • Europe (Turkey, Germany, Russia, UK, Italy, France, etc.)
• • Asia Pacific (Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia and Australia)

The cost analysis of the global 3D printer filament materials market has been conducted taking into account manufacturing cost, labor cost and raw materials as well as their market concentration rate, suppliers and price trend. Other factors such as the supply chain, downstream buyers, and sourcing strategy were assessed to provide a complete and detailed view of the market. Buyers of the report will also be exposed to market positioning study that takes into account factors such as target customer, brand strategy, and pricing strategy.

The report provides insights into the following notices:

Market penetration: Comprehensive information on the product portfolios of the top players in the 3D printer filament materials market.

Product development / innovation: In-depth insights into the upcoming technologies, R&D activities and product launches in the market.

Competitive evaluation: In-depth assessment of the market strategies, geographic and business segments of the leading market players.

Market development: Comprehensive information on emerging markets. This report analyzes the market for different segments in different regions.

Market diversification: Comprehensive information on new products, untapped regions, recent developments, and investments in the 3D Printer Filament Materials Market.


Global Filament Materials For 3D Printers Market Research Report 2021-2027

Chapter 1 3D Printer Filament Materials Market Overview

Chapter 2 World Economic Impact on Industry

Chapter 3 Global Market Competition by Manufacturers

Chapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by Region

Chapter 5 Global supply (production), consumption, export, import by region

Chapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price History by Type

Chapter 7 Global Market Analysis by Application

Chapter 8 Analysis of Manufacturing Costs

Chapter 9 Industry Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers

Chapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributor / Dealer

Chapter 11 Analysis of Market Effect Factors

Chapter 12 Global 3D Printer Filament Materials Market Forecast

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If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report based on your requirements.

About A2Z market research:

The A2Z market research Library offers syndication reports from market researchers around the world. Ready-to-Buy Syndication market research studies will help you find the most relevant business intelligence information.

Our Research Analyst provides business information and market research reports for companies large and small.

The company helps clients establish business policies and grow in this market area. A2Z Market Research is interested not only in industry reports on telecommunications, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, financial services, energy, technology, real estate, logistics, F&B, media, etc., but also in your company data, country profiles, trends and information and analysis of the sector of yours Interest.

Contact us:

Roger Smith


[email protected]

+1 775 237 4147

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Bulked Steady Filament Nylon Market in Canada – The Bisouv Community

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Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market Research Report is the new statistical data source added by A2Z market research.

Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market Research is an intelligence report with meticulous efforts to investigate the correct and valuable information. The data that has been considered is created taking into account both the existing top players and the upcoming competitors. The business strategies of the main players and the new market entry industries are examined in depth. Well-explained SWOT analysis, revenue sharing and contact information are shared in this report analysis.

“The Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon market will grow at a high CAGR in the forecast period 2021-2027. The increasing interest of individuals in this industry is the main reason for the expansion of this market. “

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Note – For a more accurate market forecast, all of our reports will be updated prior to delivery taking into account the impact of COVID-19.

The main actors in this report are: TORAY, DowDuPont, INVISTA, Unifi-Sans Technical Fibers, Universal Fiber Systems and others.

The main questions answered in this report:

  • What will the market size and growth rate be in the forecast year?
  • What are the key factors driving the Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market?
  • What are the risks and challenges ahead of the market?
  • Who are the major vendors in the Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market?
  • Which trend factors influence the market shares?
  • What are the key findings of Porter’s Five Forces Model?
  • What are the global opportunities for expanding the Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market?

Various factors are responsible for the growth path of the market, which are examined in detail in the report. Additionally, the report also enumerates the restrictions that pose a threat to the global Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market. It also measures the bargaining power of suppliers and buyers, the threat posed by new entrants and product substitutes, and the level of competition in the market. The impact of the latest government policies is also analyzed in depth in the report. It studies the development of the Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon market between the forecast periods.

Contains report specification
From Top Key Players- TORAY, DowDuPont, INVISTA, Unifi-Sans Technical Fibers, Universal Fiber Systems and others.
Base year: 2020
Historical data: 2015 – 2020
Estimated year: 2021
Forecast period: 2021-2027
Market segmentation: Types, applications, end users and more.
Market by product type: 1100D / 68F, 1300D / 68F, 1200D / 128F
Market by Application / End User: The residential sector, the public sector, the automotive sector
Regional scope: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa

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The cost analysis of the global Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market has been conducted while considering the manufacturing cost, labor cost, and raw materials as well as their market concentration rate, suppliers, and price history. Other factors such as the supply chain, downstream buyers, and sourcing strategy were assessed to provide a complete and detailed view of the market. Buyers of the report will also be exposed to market positioning study that takes into account factors such as target customer, brand strategy, and pricing strategy.

The report provides insights into the following notices:

Market penetration: Comprehensive information on the product portfolios of the top players in the Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon market.

Product development / innovation: In-depth insights into the upcoming technologies, R&D activities and product launches in the market.

Competitive evaluation: In-depth assessment of the market strategies, geographic and business segments of the leading market players.

Market development: Comprehensive information on emerging markets. This report analyzes the market for different segments in different regions.

Market diversification: Comprehensive information about new products, untapped regions, recent developments, and investments in the Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon market.


Global Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market Research Report 2021-2027

Chapter 1 Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market Review

Chapter 2 World Economic Impact on Industry

Chapter 3 Global Market Competition by Manufacturers

Chapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by Region

Chapter 5 Global supply (production), consumption, export, import by region

Chapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price History by Type

Chapter 7 Global Market Analysis by Application

Chapter 8 Analysis of Manufacturing Costs

Chapter 9 Industry Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers

Chapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributor / Dealer

Chapter 11 Analysis of Market Effect Factors

Chapter 12 Global Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market Forecast

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If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will provide the report to you according to your requirements.

About A2Z market research:

The A2Z Market Research Library offers syndication reports from market researchers around the world. Ready-to-Buy Syndication market research studies will help you find the most relevant business intelligence information.

Our Research Analyst provides business information and market research reports for companies large and small.

The company helps clients establish business policies and grow in this market area. A2Z Market Research is interested not only in industry reports on telecommunications, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, financial services, energy, technology, real estate, logistics, F&B, media, etc., but also in your company data, country profiles, trends and information and analysis of the sector of yours Interest.

Contact us:

Roger Smith


[email protected]

+1 775 237 4147

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A Trove Of 3D Printer Filament Test Data

A Trove Of 3D Printer Filament Take a look at Information

We’re not sure what a typical weekend is [Walter]The house is like, but we can probably assume that any activity will at least be accompanied by the hum of a 3D printer somewhere in the background.

Those of us who do 3D printing have had bad rolls of filament. Everything from filament that warps when it shouldn’t, to real wood splinters mixed in somewhere in the manufacturing process and clogging our nozzles. There are plenty of workarounds to work around, but the best part is not to buy bad filament at all. To this end [Walter] spent many hours cataloging the results of the various filaments that made it through his shop.

We really enjoyed his comparison of twelve different yellow filaments printed side by side with the same settings on the same printer. You can really tell the difference between high dimensional tolerance, the right mix of colors, and good fresh plastic material for the quality of the final print. Also, how transparent different clear brands actually are and how heavy different brands of reels are (so you can weigh your reel to see how much is left).

The part we really liked was his list of all the filaments he had experience in: PLA, ABS, PETG, Flexible, Nylon, Metal, Wood, and others. This was a tremendous effort, and while your rating is of course subjective, it’s still nice to have someone else’s experience to rely on in figuring out where to spend your next thirty dollars.

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PCTG Filament Has Interesting Properties

PCTG Filament Has Fascinating Properties

Early 3D printers used ABS, but bad fumes and warps made most people go to PLA. However, PETG has many of the great properties of ABS, as well as some of the user-friendly properties of PLA. According to a current one [VisionMiner] However, video could be the next filament of choice, PCTG – polyethylene terephthalate glycol. The filament itself is from Essentium, but it appears that [VisionMiner] is a reseller of the filament (along with other engineering plastics). So there is a bit of marketing in the video below, but it also gives good information and examples of how to use PCTG.

The plastic is relatively cheap, but still not as cheap as PLA or even PETG. A 750g roll costs around $ 40. The advantages? According to the video, this plastic is stronger, tougher, and clearer than other popular options.

The material is printed on many standard FDM printers. It requires 250 ° C to 270 ° C at the nozzle and 70 ° C to 80 ° C at the bed. Just make sure your hotend can handle the higher temperature. If you have PTFE in yours, it’s likely your limiting factor, although you’ll also need a temperature reading which can go above 250 as well.

Speaking of temperature: Apparently the filament can have a glossy or matte surface depending on the printing temperature. We asked ourselves whether the layer adhesion – which should be very strong – changes depending on the printing temperature.

If you are printing with PLA or even PETG with good results, you may not need a PCTG. However, unless you need to print with other materials like nylon, which are difficult to set up, it might be worth experimenting with a roller to see how it works.

Carbon fiber filament is cool if your nozzle can take it. We must confess, we still haven’t made it through the thirty types of exotic filaments we listed some time ago.

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