
BASF’s Ahead AM launches Ultrafuse 17-Four PH filament for metallic AM functions

BASF's Forward AM launches Ultrafuse 17-4 PH filament for metal AM applications

The new metal filament Ultrafuse 17-4 PH (Courtesy Forward AM)

Forward AM, a brand for additive manufacturing solutions from BASF 3D Printing Solutions GmbH based in Heidelberg, has launched Ultrafuse® 17-4 PH for the additive manufacturing process Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) based on material extrusion (MEX). The new filament, which combines stainless steel powder with a polymer binder, complements the company’s existing Ultrafuse 316L filament series.

The new AM filament offers high mechanical strength and hardness and is said to be ideal for a variety of applications, e.g. B. for tools, devices and functional prototypes. The good corrosion resistance and the ability to be fully heat treated to high levels of strength and hardness make Ultrafuse 17-4 PH a suitable choice for a number of industries including petrochemical, aerospace, automotive and medical.

Ultrafuse metal filaments are specially designed for all popular open source FFF machines, from beginners to industrials. This is one of the simplest and most affordable technologies in metal additive manufacturing, according to the company. In 2019, Forward AM launched the company’s first metal filament, Ultrafuse 316L.

“Ultrafuse 17-4 PH is an outstanding result of our strong research and development commitment,” commented Firat Hizal, head of the Metal Systems Group at BASF 3D Printing Solutions. “We filamented more than ten different metals from titanium to tool steels and several alternative materials for printing support structures this year. We will continue to introduce the new filaments that the market and our customers demand. “

Hizal added: “We have already established a sales network that works closely with our debinding and sintering service partners in different regions and can therefore deliver an integrated end-to-end solution. We are proud to expand our portfolio with the Ultrafuse 17-4 PH. “

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