
Rubber3DPrinting’s Conductive TPU Filament Has Unbelievable Potential for Robotics, Prostheses, & Extra –

The choice of materials in the 3D printing area is being expanded further. We now have metal-like filaments, wood-like filaments, filaments with carbon fiber and a lot more. One filament option that isn’t all that common due to the difficulties companies face in making it is thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). However, TPU is increasingly used by 3D printer owners because of its flexibility. We’ve seen it create a variety of different 3D printed products that were almost impossible just a few years ago.

A man named Thomas Palm seems to have gotten quite competent at what he does. He has developed his own consumer-grade filament extruder capable of extruding TPU, which his company Rubber3dprinting has for sale.

3D-printed keyboard-like device from Palm.

3D-printed keyboard-like device from Palm.

“Current consumer filament extruders cannot extrude TPU, etc. to good tolerances,” Palm told “So I designed my own. My real goal is to later publish a Kickstarter or Indigogo project for my filament extruder. Hopefully the first quarter of 2015. “

Not only is Palm able to make ordinary TPU filaments, but it can also make conductive TPU by adding carbon to its blend. The possibilities for this material are really endless, but Palm tested it by creating several unique designs. One of them is a prosthetic / robotic finger that he 3D printed. It is printed using a double extrusion method with the TPU being printed for the bendable joints as well as the force sensitive fingertips.

3D printed finger with touch sensitive fingertips and flexible joints

3D printed finger with fingertips that can be touch sensitive with bendable joints

“The fingertip has an outer shell that, when pressed, connects to the inner conductive surface, creating a closed circuit,” says Palm. “The connection is also a bit pressure sensitive.”

While Palm admits that touch-sensitive fingertips on robotic hands are not all that new, he believes that his innovation will make them much more affordable, and will also allow an entire hand to be 3D printed without much assembly.

Other designs Palm developed that were 3D printed with its TPU material include a set of wheels for an OpenRC truggy, as well as a 3D printed keyboard-like device, a product he called “Mr. Vise Guy ”, a flexible handle for plastic bags that makes holding shopping bags less painful, and among other things a pair of very comfortable and aesthetically pleasing sandals.

Mr. Vice Guy - 3D Printed

Mr. Vice Guy – 3D Printed

It should be interesting to see all of the unique products Palm has made for its filament going forward, and we will definitely be keeping an eye on Kickstarter / Indiegogo for its filament extruder due out in early 2015.

What do you think of the potential for Palm’s rubbery TPU filament and its conductive TPU filament? Discuss in the Conductive TPU Filament forum thread on Check out the video below where Palm talks about some of its creations and some more photos.

TPU wheel

TPU pocket

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Image: AIO Robotics

AIO Robotics releases new PLA filament

The PLA filament market has been quite competitive as PLA filaments could probably be the most basic material for 3D printing. Although new PLA filaments are constantly being developed with small or large improvements.

Not proprietary

California based company AIO Robotics released its new PLA filament on August 22nd. The new Premium PLA filament line is offered in 500 g spools and is available in 12 different colors. The filament is compatible with all non-proprietary 1.75mm PLA 3D printers.

With non-proprietary PLA filaments, we have by far several options. For example, both FormFutura and Verbatim make this type of filament. Formfutura is sold in 500g and Verbatim is 1kg. With the release of the new filaments from AIO Robotics, users can now choose from more options to suit their different needs.

Image: AIO Robotics

Other properties

From the descriptions, AIO Robotics has considered 5 critical considerations in order to solve the most common problems with filament spools. They are: less tangles; less weight and stress; store dry; true round accuracy; universal coil design.

By narrowing the spools on offer, the new filament is said to reduce the tangles that would normally be annoying to a 3D printer user.

Image: AIO RoboticsImage: AIO Robotics

“The reason for designing 500g spools is pretty simple. As you extrude the filament, there is less stress on your 3D printer. The drag forces of our filament spools are significantly lower than other 1 kg spools, which leads to less breakage. The extruder pulls the filament out of the light coil more gently, resulting in more reliable prints. “(Jens Windau, CEO of AIO Robotics)

The company claims that the total weight of the spool of AIO Robotics filament is 710 g (1.57 lbs), which is much lighter than the standard spools.

Image: AIO RoboticsImage: AIO Robotics

The new filament is available now on Amazon for $ 9.99. If you’re curious, you can try it online.

Feature Image: AIO Robotics

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