
3D-Gas Takes PLA to Subsequent Degree with Larger Warmth Resistance Filament & Algae-Gas –

ABS is close to another success on the pros and cons list for 3D printing, as companies like 3D-Fuel are not only working to make more durable filaments, but also those that are even more environmentally friendly and produce superior 3D models can.

Despite some disadvantages, ABS has had the highest priority almost since the beginning of 3D printing and is a popular material mainly because of its strength, low flexibility and temperature resistance. Now, 3D-Fuel is pumping out two new PLA filaments that should be of great interest to their users who enjoy the sweet smelling material and would like to know that they are using thermoplastics with higher recycling grades.


3D printed with algae fuel filament

3D fuel gives the plant-based material greater strength and now releases an advanced high quality PLA filament in response to the material’s historically low heat resistance properties. 3D-Fuel uses a material with a high thermal quality and has also developed a PLA that offers faster crystallization. Available in 1.75mm and retails for $ 49.99, expect:

  • Low odor
  • Higher print details / resolution
  • Excellent first coat adhesion
  • Improved adhesion between the layers
  • Reduced warping, puckering, and failed 3D prints

Also from 3D-Fuel is another interesting new filament called Algae-Fuel, which is available in 1.75mm and retails for $ 75.00. It is inspiring to see not only the usual plant-based base for PLA, but also a new product with wild algae that is GMO-free and does not take up valuable and large areas of arable land for production.

“We are very excited to bring these revolutionary new filaments to the 3D printing market,” said Matt Stegall, co-founder of 3D-Fuel. “We believe these products can really disrupt the filament market and significantly increase the adoption of more sustainable filaments as the user doesn’t have to compromise on performance or quality.”

With Algae-Fuel, users can look forward to all of the properties that PLA can offer, but it offers a more sustainable option and is also very high in protein, a desirable quality when working with plastics and especially for 3D printing. In collaboration with ALGIX, known as the “clean technology company”, the 3D-Fuel team works closely with Solaplast, known as ALGIX’s innovation center for sustainable polymers and bioplastics.

“3D Fuel has an excellent position in the 3D filament market because we can innovate quickly and contribute ideas for end products in a short period of time,” explains Ryan Hunt, COO of 3D-Fuel. “Thanks to the vertical integration under one roof with Solaplast, we have internal know-how in the areas of polymer science, biomass processing, bioplastic blending, filament extrusion, a laboratory for quality control and 3D printing, logistics and many strategic partnerships. This enables us to guarantee our customers high quality and consistent products. “

UntitledWhile the 3D printing community is certainly progressive and focused on global vision, sharing, and innovation, the environmental problems posed by working with thermoplastics are becoming almost as great as those related to what is actually being made becomes. With that in mind, companies focused on Green Curve are able to help not only the planet but the market as well as users find their products more attractive – and rightly so.

“It is often thought that more sustainable plastics don’t work as well as traditional petroleum-based plastics. As more and more 3D printers try out 3D fuel products, this myth is being debunked, ”says Barbara Zeller, Marketing and Communication Manager at ALGIX and 3D-Fuel.

It is a reasonable parallel to draw that with the best fuel and nutrition you put into your body, the better you feel and the better your health is. If you are planning on running a marathon this weekend, the first thing you need to do is replenish the best food. And with 3D printing, an obvious goal is to get the best possible material into your machine when you start an important new project.

“This is our mission at 3D Fuel to provide our customers with the highest quality materials. We want to help them develop their creativity today without affecting our needs tomorrow, ”said Mike Van Drunen, CEO of 3D-Fuel.

It’s also important that you buy your materials from a trusted manufacturer who knows what they do from packaging your materials to testing and manufacturing. 3D-Fuel offers an opportunity to build on all the strengths already offered by PLA and to experience the advantage of additional durability and a stronger reference to Mother Nature.

In addition to the publication of these two new filaments, 3D-Fuel is also offering a “Fuel Your Creativity” competition. Users are encouraged to post and tweet the following video in order to win a free spool of 3D Fuel Filament every month for a full year! Using # 3dfuel and #fuelyourcreativityYou only need the most likes or re-tweets to win. Please see the following video for more information.

Are you a fan of PLA to ABS or do you like to use both materials for different projects? Discuss filaments and algae fuels with higher heat resistance in the forum thread on

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