PLA 3D Printer Filament Market 2021 Growing Demand, Growth Analysis, and Strategic Outlook -2026

PLA 3D Printer Filament Market 2021 Growing Demand, Progress Evaluation, and Strategic Outlook -2026

The PLA 3D Printer Filaments market report covers key trends monitoring industry growth among regional contributors. It provides insights into the limitations as well as opportunities to help with decision making and conduct further business expansion. The study also addresses the ever-changing competitive scenario by profiling the leading players in the industry. It also covers the latest developments, including the COVID-19 pandemic, to help market participants identify the opportunities in this business area.

Important highlights of the COVID-19 impact analysis:

  • Worldwide COVID-19 Status and Its Impact on the Economy.
  • Fluctuations in supply and demand.
  • Long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the growth matrix.

Regional outlook:

  • Geographically, the PLA 3D printer filament market is divided into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America, the Middle East and Africa, and Southeast Asia.
  • The report provides an overview of the development of each regional market as well as its CAGR during the analysis period.
  • Details of the sales and revenues generated in each region are mentioned.

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Further highlights from the PLA 3D Printer Filament Market Report:

  • Leading companies formulating the competitive landscape of the PLA 3D Printer Filament Market are Octave Systems, DR3D Filament Ltd., Aleph Objects, Inc., ECO, AFINIA, Village Plastics Co., Push Plastic, MakerBot Industries, Torwell Technologies Co. , Dongguan Pioneer Trading Co., ProtoParadigm and Aurarum.
  • The study gives important details on the product portfolio, company profile, production patterns and market remuneration.
  • The document also includes information on pricing patterns, gross margins, and market shares for each organization.
  • The product range of PLA 3D Printer Filament market is divided into 3mm diameter, 1.75mm diameter, and others.
  • Sales and volume predictions for each product type are validated.
  • Further details such as CAGR and market share of each product category over the forecast period are also listed.
  • PLA 3D Printer Filament Market is represented in Octave Systems, DR3D Filament Ltd., Aleph Objects, Inc., ECO, AFINIA, Village Plastics Co., Push Plastic, MakerBot Industries, Torwell Technologies Co., Dongguan Pioneer Trading Co., ProtoParadigm and Aurarum.
  • The study evaluates the market share for each application and estimates its CAGR over the forecast period.
  • The report also explains competitive trends as well as a comprehensive analysis of the industry’s supply chain.
  • Using Porter’s SWOT Analysis and Five Forces Analysis, the report can determine the feasibility of a new project.
  • The PLA 3D Printer Filament Market is segmented into Auto Parts, Medical Consumables, Toys, Phone Cases, and Wearables based on the scope of application of the various product offerings.
  • Information that maintains the forecast consumption value and the consumption share of each application over the analysis period is presented in detail.
  • The market share captured by each application is also reported.

Competition outlook:

  • Leading Companies Featured in PLA 3D Printer Filament Market Report include Octave Systems, DR3D Filament Ltd., Aleph Objects, Inc., ECO, AFINIA, Village Plastics Co., Push Plastic, MakerBot Industries, Torwell Technologies Co ., Dongguan Pioneer Trading Co., ProtoParadigm and Aurarum.
  • Basic company information and business overview of each company are listed.
  • Financial attributes such as the pricing model, total sales, revenue sharing, and gross margins of each competitor are detailed in the report.
  • Regions and sales channels served by the leading players are discussed in detail.
  • The document contains the latest information on the market concentration ratio, key developments, mergers and acquisitions, and new entrants.

This PLA 3D Printer Filament Market Research / Analysis report has answers to your following questions:

  • Who are the major global players in this PLA 3D Printer Filament Market? What is your company profile, product information, contact information?
  • What was the global market status of the market? What was the capacity, value of production, cost and profit of the market?
  • What are global industry forecasts for capacity, output and output value? How are costs and profits estimated? What will market share, supply and consumption be? What about imports and exports?
  • What is a market chain analysis by upstream raw materials and downstream industries?
  • What is the market dynamics of the market? What are the challenges and opportunities?
  • What should entry strategies, countermeasures against economic effects and marketing channels be for the industry?

Why choose this report:

  • Complete analysis of market dynamics, status, and competitive PLA 3D printer filament view is provided.
  • Forecast The trends in the global PLA 3D printer filament industry will highlight the market drivers, restraints, and opportunities for growth.
  • The five-year forecast shows how the market is expected to grow in the coming years.
  • This study introduces all major industries of the global PLA 3D printer filament industry such as product type, applications and geographic regions.

The research process begins with internal and external sources to obtain qualitative and quantitative information about the PLA 3D Printer Filament market. It also provides an overview and forecast for the PLA 3D Printer Filament market based on all segmentations envisaged for the global region. The predictions highlighted in the PLA 3D Printer Filaments market share report have been derived using verified research methods and assumptions. In this way, the research report serves as a repository for analysis and information for every component of the PLA 3D Printer Filament market.


Chapter 1 Industry Overview

Chapter 2 Analysis of the production market

Chapter 3 Sales Market Analysis

Chapter 4 Consumer Market Analysis

Chapter 5 Market comparison analysis for production, sales and consumption

Chapter 6 Analysis of the production and sales market comparison of the most important manufacturers

Chapter 7 Important Product Analysis

Chapter 8 Main Application Analysis

Chapter 9 Industrial Chain Analysis

Chapter 10 Global and Regional Market Forecast

Chapter 11 Analysis of the main manufacturers

Chapter 12 Feasibility Study for New Project Investments

Chapter 13 Conclusions

Chapter 14 Appendix

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NinjaTek® Introduces Chinchilla™ — A Mushy-to-the-Contact TPE Printer Filament with an Ease of 3D Printing That Is Second to None

“Few filaments in this category make a finished product as soft and smooth as this, and fewer can do it as effortlessly as chinchilla,” he said Sean Gablehouse, CEO, NinjaTek. “We’re not just saying that as proud manufacturers. This is the feedback we’ve received from knowledgeable 3D printing influencers and industrial designers in the field.”

The possible uses for medical, prosthetic, sporty and fashionable wearables are made all the more attractive by chinchillas independent third-party tests against the EpiDerm skin model. Chinchilla’s proprietary blend is made by combining several premium TPEs and offers rebound, impact resistance, durability and a matte finish that results in smoother, longer-lasting printed parts. It’s NinjaTek’s exclusive technology that delivers an easy-to-feed, low-stick texture.

Enthusiasts from DIY 3D hobbyists to industrial designers will see chinchilla as an on-demand product. Whether it’s printing lifelike surgical organs for medical education, creating a new level of sports protective equipment, or designing comfortable fabric-feeling products, Chinchilla has the versatility to meet all of these needs and more.

In connection with the release of Chinchilla, NinjaTek also launched a brand new website. The new home for the NinjaTek product family is now a great educational resource for anyone interested in learning more about the 3D printing industry and crafts. Visitors can find primers for the various types of filament and printing methods. You will also learn about 3D printing innovations in various industries such as aerospace, automotive, healthcare, and more.

A newly updated shop link makes it easier to buy printer filaments. All NinjaTek products, including chinchilla, can be purchased in a variety of sizes and color options through the shop link. The new website also offers an active community where hobbyists have the opportunity to share their projects, insights and expertise with others. This is also where you can access project case studies and the latest NinjaTek news.

NinjaTek prides itself on demonstrating the creativity of its fans. For this purpose, a chinchilla 3D printing competition will be started with immediate effect May 1, 2021. Participants must submit a picture and / or video of a creation made from the new Chinchilla 3D filament. The deadline is July 31, 2021. The winners will be announced August 16, 2021 and notified by email. Join Now.

NinjaTek® is the 3D printing materials division of Fenner Drives. NinjaTek is focused on high performance materials and leverages Fenner Drives’ ISO 9001 certified manufacturing capabilities to create and manufacture high quality 3D printing materials.

Fenner Precision Polymers is part of the Michelin Group. With over 800 employees worldwide, Fenner Precision Polymers is a trusted provider of technical solutions for performance-critical applications. The company’s product lines support customers in a variety of industries including 3D printing, document handling, transportation, mining, agriculture, aerospace, air conditioning, materials handling, food processing, and manufacturing. Product lines include, but are not limited to, coated fabrics and technical textiles, power transmission and delivery tie-down straps, keyless locking devices, Eagle polyurethane straps, silicone and organic rubber tubing, custom storage solutions, and PowerMax composite products. Learn more about Fenner Precision Polymers and its subsidiaries Fenner Drives, Fenner Precision, James Dawson, Fabri Cote and MAV SpA

SOURCE Fenner Precision Polymers

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Breite = 445

PLA Filament for 3D Printing Market Outlook 2021: Development Components Particulars, Tendencies, Complete Analysis Together with High Firms

Globales PLA-Filament für die 3D-Druckindustrie: mit wachsender signifikanter CAGR im Zeitraum 2021-2026

Breite = 506

Das PLA-Filament für den 3D-Druckmarkt Bericht [5 Years Forecast 2021-2026] konzentriert sich auf die COVID19 Ausbruchsauswirkungsanalyse von Schlüsselpunkten, die das Wachstum des Marktes beeinflussen.

PLA Filament für den 3D-Druckmarkt bietet eine detaillierte Beschreibung der Branchentreiber und -möglichkeiten, die den Verbrauchern und potenziellen Kunden helfen, eine klare Vision zu erhalten und effektive Entscheidungen zu treffen. Es umfasst verschiedene strategische Planungstechniken, die die Definition und Entwicklung des Branchenrahmens fördern.

Der Bericht mit dem Titel „Globales PLA-Filament für den 3D-Druck Marktforschungsbericht umfasst, zukünftige Trends, Größe, Anteil, vergangene, aktuelle Daten und Tiefenanalysen sowie Prognosen, 2021-2026”, Veröffentlicht von Report Hive Research unter Verwendung verschiedener Methoden, zielt darauf ab, eingehende und genaue Daten in Bezug auf den globalen Markt für PLA-Filamente für den 3D-Druck zu untersuchen und bereitzustellen. Der Bericht ist in verschiedene genau definierte Abschnitte unterteilt, um dem Leser ein leichtes und verständliches Informationsdokument zur Verfügung zu stellen. Darüber hinaus wird jeder Abschnitt mit allen erforderlichen Daten ausgearbeitet, um sich vor dem Eintritt in den Markt oder vor der Stärkung seines derzeitigen Standorts über den Markt zu informieren. Der Bericht ist unterteilt in:

  • Marktübersicht
  • Hauptakteure und Wettbewerbslandschaft
  • Wachstumstreiber und -beschränkungen
  • Segmentierung
  • Regionale Analyse

Der PLA Filament for 3D Printing-Bericht durch seine Übersichtsabschnitt liefert das Gesamtszenario und die Dynamik des globalen Marktes für PLA-Filamente für den 3D-Druck mit seiner Definition und anderen Details. Weiterhin ist die Hauptakteur und Wettbewerbslandschaft In diesem Segment des Berichts werden die verschiedenen Akteure einbezogen, die aktiv am globalen Markt teilnehmen und im Wettbewerb stehen. Der Bericht bezieht auch die neuen Marktteilnehmer mit ein. Zu den wichtigsten Marktteilnehmern zählen. Der Bericht umfasst die führenden Hersteller sowie ihren jeweiligen Umsatzanteil am Weltmarkt. Darüber hinaus werden ihre taktischen Schritte in den letzten Jahren, Führungswechsel und Produktinnovationsinvestitionen erwähnt, um fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen und im Wettbewerb an der Spitze zu bleiben.

Wichtige wettbewerbsfähige Spieler:

Mitsubishi Chemical
Meltink 3D
MG Chemicals
Taulman 3D
Graphene 3D Lab
Shenzhen Esun
Kunststoff drücken

Der Abschlussbericht wird die Analyse der Auswirkungen von COVID-19 auf den PLA-Filamentmarkt für den 3D-Druck hinzufügen.

  • Die Auswirkungen des COVID-19-Ausbruchs auf die Branche wurden vollständig bewertet. In einem besonderen Zeitraum wurden eine vollständige Risikobewertung und Branchenempfehlungen für PLA Filament für den 3D-Druck abgegeben. Vergleicht auch die Märkte von Pre COVID-19 und Post COVID-19.
  • Berücksichtigen Sie außerdem die Auswirkungen von COVID-19 auf die regionale Wirtschaft.
  • In dem Bericht untersuchen wir die Auswirkungen von COVID-19 auf verschiedene Distrikte und bedeutende Nationen auf das PLA-Filament für die 3D-Druckindustrie.
  • Auf die Auswirkungen von COVID-19 auf die zukünftige Weiterentwicklung des Geschäfts wird hingewiesen.

Umzug in die Abschnitt Wachstumstreiber und -beschränkungenEs werden alle Faktoren vorgestellt, die direkt oder indirekt das Wachstum des globalen Marktes für PLA-Filamente für den 3D-Druck unterstützen. Um sich mit den Wachstumsstatistiken des Marktes vertraut zu machen, ist es wichtig, die verschiedenen Treiber des Marktes zu bewerten. Darüber hinaus werden in dem Bericht die bestehenden Trends sowie neue und mögliche Wachstumschancen auf dem Weltmarkt dargelegt. Darüber hinaus enthält der Bericht die Faktoren, die möglicherweise das Wachstum des Marktes behindern können. Das Verständnis dieser Faktoren ist ebenfalls von entscheidender Bedeutung, da sie dazu beitragen, die Schwächen des Marktes zu verstehen.

Nach Typen unterteilt sich in:

1,75 mm

Nach Anwendungen aufgeteilt in:

Medizin & Zahnmedizin

Vielversprechende Regionen und Länder im PLA-Filament für den 3D-Druck-Marktbericht erwähnt:

  • Nordamerika (Vereinigte Staaten)
  • Europa (Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien)
  • Asien-Pazifik (China, Japan, Indien)
  • Lateinamerika (Brasilien)
  • Der Nahe Osten und Afrika

Das Segmentierung des globalen Marktes für PLA-Filamente für den 3D-Druck trennt den Markt nach verschiedenen Aspekten, z. B. Jedes Segment wird ausgearbeitet und bietet alle wichtigen Details sowie eine Wachstumsanalyse für den Prognosezeitraum. Der Bericht unterteilt den Markt auch nach Regionen in Nordamerika, Europa, den asiatisch-pazifischen Raum, den Nahen Osten und Afrika sowie Lateinamerika. Das regionale Analyse deckt die Volumen- und Umsatzbewertung jeder Region zusammen mit ihren jeweiligen Ländern ab. Darüber hinaus enthält der Bericht verschiedene Marktaspekte wie Import und Export, Wert der Lieferkette, Marktanteil, Umsatz, Volumen usw.

Primäre und sekundäre Ansätze werden von Analysten und Forschern verwendet, um diese Daten zusammenzustellen. Daher soll dieser Bericht über globale PLA-Filamente für den 3D-Druck-Marktforschungsbericht, zukünftige Trends, Größe, Anteil, Vergangenheit, gegenwärtige Daten und Tiefenanalyse sowie Prognose, 2021-2026, die Leser zu einem besseren, besorgniserregenderen und klareren Thema führen Fakten und Daten des globalen Marktes für PLA-Filamente für den 3D-Druck.

Wichtige Details und Alleinstellungsmerkmale der bestehenden Berichtsstudie:

  • Weltweite Marktgröße von PLA-Filamenten für den 3D-Druckmarkt in Bezug auf Volumen (K Einheiten) und Wert (in Mio. USD) für den historischen Zeitraum (2016 – 2019) und die prognostizierten Jahre (2021 – 2026)
  • Marktgröße des PLA-Filaments für den 3D-Druckmarkt auf Regionsebene (Nordamerika, Europa, Asien-Pazifik, Lateinamerika sowie Naher Osten und Afrika) in Bezug auf Volumen (K Einheiten) und Wert (in Mio. USD) für den historischen Zeitraum (2016 – 2019) und geplante Jahre (2021–2026)
  • Ländergröße (USA, Kanada, Deutschland, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Spanien, Italien, China, Japan, Indien, Südkorea, Südostasien, Brasilien, Mexiko, GCC, Südafrika, RoW) Marktgröße des PLA-Filaments für den 3D-Druckmarkt in Bezug auf Volumen (K Einheiten) und Wert (in Mio. USD) für den historischen Zeitraum (2016 – 2019) und die prognostizierten Jahre (2021 – 2026)
  • Die Marktgröße des Typs wurde in Bezug auf Volumen (K Einheiten) und Wert (in Mio. USD) für den historischen Zeitraum (2016 – 2019) und die prognostizierten Jahre (2021 – 2026) in den einzelnen Produkttyp (Konzentration, Temperatur, Verbrennung, Leitfähigkeit usw.) unterteilt )
  • Nachfrageseitige und angebotsseitige Perspektive und Analyse
  • Marktanteil von Unternehmen / Spielern / Herstellern / Anbietern / Dienstleistern
  • Wettbewerbslandschaft, Wettbewerbsmatrix und Spielerpositionierungsanalyse
  • Marktdynamik, Trends, Faktoren, die das Marktwachstum im kommenden Jahr beeinflussen
  • Hauptkäufer und Endbenutzeranalyse
  • Wertschöpfungs- und Lieferkettenanalyse einschließlich Vertriebs- und Vertriebskanälen sowie Vorwärts- und Rückwärtsintegrationsszenarien
  • Analyse der Herstellungskostenstruktur
  • Schlüsselrohstoffanalyse
  • Wichtige Preisstrategien auf dem Markt
  • Wichtige Marketingstrategien auf dem Markt
  • Porters Fünf-Kräfte-Analyse
  • SWOT-Analyse
  • PESTLE-Analyse

Erhalten Sie einen vollständigen Anpassungsbericht und fordern Sie einen Rabatt für diesen Bericht an:

Was Berichte bieten

  • Umfassende Analyse des Muttermarktes
  • Wichtige Änderungen in der Marktdynamik
  • Segmentierungsdetails des Marktes
  • Frühere, laufende und prognostizierte Marktanalysen in Bezug auf Volumen und Wert
  • Bewertung der Entwicklungen in der Nischenbranche
  • Marktanteilsanalyse
  • Schlüsselstrategien der Hauptakteure
  • Aufstrebende Segmente und regionale Märkte
  • Testimonials für Unternehmen, um auf dem Markt Fuß zu fassen.

Erwähnte Top-Key-Spieler ::Stratasys, SIMONA AG, Mitsubishi Chemical, 3D-Systeme, Advanc3D-Materialien, BASF, HATCHBOX, Meltink 3D, Clariant, MG Chemicals, Taulman 3D, Polymaker, ColorFabb, ProtoPlant, Graphen-3D-Labor, Shenzhen Esun, Push Plastic, IC3D, 3D-Kraftstoff

Wir bieten die Anpassung von Berichten an Ihre Forschungsanforderungen an:
– Kostenlose Länderanalyse für 5 Länder Ihrer Wahl.
– Kostenlose Wettbewerbsanalyse von 5 wichtigen Marktteilnehmern.
– Geben Sie 40 Analystenstunden frei, um alle anderen Datenpunkte abzudecken.

Im Inhaltsverzeichnis behandelte strategische Punkte:

  • Berichtsübersicht: Es umfasst die Hauptakteure des globalen Marktes für PLA-Filamente für den 3D-Druck, die in der Forschungsstudie, im Forschungsumfang und in den Marktsegmenten nach Typ, Marktsegmenten nach Anwendung, für die Forschungsstudie berücksichtigten Jahren und Zielen des Berichts behandelt werden.
  • Globale Wachstumstrends: Dieser Abschnitt konzentriert sich auf Branchentrends, bei denen Markttreiber und Top-Markttrends beleuchtet werden. Es bietet auch Wachstumsraten der wichtigsten Hersteller, die auf dem globalen Markt für PLA-Filamente für den 3D-Druck tätig sind. Darüber hinaus bietet es Produktions- und Kapazitätsanalysen, in denen Marketing-Preisentwicklung, Kapazität, Produktion und Produktionswert des globalen Marktes für PLA-Filamente für den 3D-Druck erörtert werden.
  • Marktanteil der Hersteller: Hier enthält der Bericht Einzelheiten zu Umsatz nach Herstellern, Produktion und Kapazität nach Herstellern, Preis nach Herstellern, Expansionsplänen, Fusionen und Übernahmen sowie Produkten, Markteintrittsdaten, Vertrieb und Marktgebieten der wichtigsten Hersteller.
  • Marktgröße nach Typ: Dieser Abschnitt konzentriert sich auf Produkttypsegmente, in denen Marktwert, Preis und Produktionsmarktanteil nach Produkttyp erörtert werden.
  • Marktgröße nach Anwendung: Neben einem Überblick über den globalen Markt für PLA-Filamente für den 3D-Druck nach Anwendung gibt es eine Studie zum Verbrauch im globalen Markt für PLA-Filamente für den 3D-Druck nach Anwendung.
  • Produktion nach Regionen: Hier werden die Wachstumsrate des Produktionswerts, die Wachstumsrate der Produktion, der Import und Export sowie die Hauptakteure jedes regionalen Marktes angegeben.
  • Verbrauch nach Regionen: Dieser Abschnitt enthält Informationen zum Verbrauch in jedem im Bericht untersuchten regionalen Markt. Der Verbrauch wird anhand von Land, Anwendung und Produkttyp diskutiert.
  • Firmenprofile: In diesem Abschnitt werden fast alle führenden Unternehmen des globalen Marktes für PLA-Filamente für den 3D-Druck vorgestellt. Die Analysten haben Informationen über ihre jüngsten Entwicklungen auf dem globalen Markt für PLA-Filamente für den 3D-Druck, Produkte, Umsatz, Produktion, Geschäft und Unternehmen bereitgestellt.
  • Marktprognose nach Produktion: Die in diesem Abschnitt enthaltenen Produktions- und Produktionswertprognosen gelten für den globalen PLA-Filamentmarkt für den 3D-Druck sowie für wichtige regionale Märkte.
  • Marktprognose nach Verbrauch: Die in diesem Abschnitt enthaltenen Verbrauchs- und Verbrauchswertprognosen gelten für den globalen Markt für PLA-Filamente für den 3D-Druck sowie für wichtige regionale Märkte.
  • Wertschöpfungskette und Umsatzanalyse: Es analysiert eingehend Kunden, Händler, Vertriebskanäle und die Wertschöpfungskette des globalen Marktes für PLA-Filamente für den 3D-Druck.

>>>Holen Sie sich eine PDF-Beispielkopie (einschließlich des vollständigen Inhaltsverzeichnisses, Tabellen und Abbildungen) des PLA-Filaments für den 3D-Druck-Marktbericht <<

Über uns:
Report Hive Research liefert strategische Marktforschungsberichte, statistische Erhebungen sowie Branchenanalysen und Prognosedaten zu Produkten und Dienstleistungen, Märkten und Unternehmen. Unser Kundenkreis besteht aus einer Mischung aus US-amerikanischen Geschäftsführern, Regierungsorganisationen, KMU, Einzelpersonen und Start-ups, Unternehmensberatungsunternehmen und Universitäten usw. Unsere Bibliothek mit mehr als 600.000 Marktberichten umfasst Branchen wie Chemie, Gesundheitswesen, IT, Telekommunikation, Halbleiter usw. in den USA, Europa, dem Nahen Osten, Afrika, im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum. Wir helfen bei der Entscheidungsfindung in Bezug auf Aspekte wie Markteintrittsstrategien, Markteinschätzung, Marktanteilsanalyse, Umsatz und Ertrag, Technologietrends, Wettbewerbsanalyse, Produktportfolio- und Anwendungsanalyse usw.

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Suite 6014,
Chicago, IL – 60611,
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Flexible Filament | Hackaday

Versatile Filament | Hackaday

Master of 3D printed robots, [James Bruton]plans to do some autonomous rover projects in the future, but first he needed a modular rover platform. Everything is cooler with tank tracks, so he built a rover with flexible interlocking sections of track.

The rail sections are printed with flexible Ninjaflex filament. Each section has a tab that can be passed through two adjacent parts. The ends of the tabs protruding from the inside of the rail fit into slots on the drive wheel like gear teeth. This prevents the track from slipping under load. The Ninjaflex is almost too flexible, allowing the rails to stretch and almost climb off the wheels [James] plans to experiment with some other materials in the future. The chassis consists of two 2020 T-slot profiles that enable convenient assembly of the wheel bogies and other components.

The interlocking rail pieces

For the first driving tests [James] built in two completely overloaded brushless 1500 W motors that he had on hand and that he would like to replace with smaller DC motors at a later date.

A standard RC system is used for control, but it is not an easy way to control a skid steer vehicle. To solve this, [James] added an arduino between the rc receiver and the motor controller. It converts the PWM throttle and flasher from the transmitter and combines them into differential PWM outputs for the two controllers.

Continue reading “Modular rover platform rolls on 3D-printed flexible tank rails”

What’s stopping people from playing music? For one thing, it’s hard. But why is it difficult? In theory, it’s because the theory is confusing. In practice, this is mainly due to accidentals or notes that sound sour compared to the others because they are not from the same key or a complementary key.

What if there were no omens? Instruments like this exist, like the harmonica and the autoharp. But none of them look as funny as [Bardable]’s Starshine, the instrument that should be played by everyone. The note keys on the outside are arranged and programmed so that [Bardable] will never play off-key.

We love the game controller form factor which was also a functional choice. On the side facing the player there is a PSP joystick and two potentiometers that you can use to get your thumbs out. The twelve buttons on this page perform various functions such as selecting the button and the type of dial depending on the position of the rocker switch. A second rocker leaves [Bardable] Go up or down an octave on the fly. There is also an OLED that shows everything from the note played to the positions of the potentiometers. If you want to know more [Bardable] made a subreddit for this and other future instruments and has a full tour video after the break.

If this beginner-friendly MIDI controller isn’t big enough for you, check out Harmonicade’s array of arcade buttons.

Continue reading “Starshine is a MIDI controller for the musically shy”

We all know people who are trapped in aging bodies and cannot do all of the things they used to do. It’s easy to accept that you may never move small furniture on your own again, but losing the ability to do something as simple as separating the pages of your newspaper to read on is an end of the fun.

When [Randomcitizen4] visited his grandma over the holidays, she mentioned problems with it, among other things. He turned on his printer and went to work designing a device that would allow her to return to the fun pages. This simple gripping mechanism uses elastic bands for tension and flexible filaments to keep the paper firmly in place. The jaws are in the open position by default, ready to grab newsprint. By gently squeezing the handles, the top page is pushed back from the stack, creating a gap for grandma’s fingers. You can see a demo on page 32 after the break.

Although the device works in some books and magazines, he wants to improve the design of the handles to make the device more universal. [Randomcitizen4] says he’s tried a few things already, but we wonder if a more complex surface pattern could do the trick – maybe less like fins and more like a tire tread pattern. All STLs are available if you want to try it out.

If Grandma’s newspaper is ever out of stock, she should still be able to read it on a tablet or e-reader. Maybe then [Randomcitizen4] can build some kind of remote-controlled page turner for them.

Continue reading “Printed separator separates printed pages”

You might not think of using the word “rigid” to describe most 3D printer filaments, but most plastic filaments are quite stiff over a short length and stiff enough to be pushed into an extruder. Try the same with a softer plastic like TPE and you may find yourself looking for this modified Bowden drive for elastomeric filaments.

The idea behind the Bowden drive, preferred by some 3D printer designers, is simple: clamp the filament between a motor-driven wheel and a tension pulley to slide it through a tube into the hot end of the extruder. But with TPE and similar elastomeric filaments, [Tech2C] found that the Bowden drive on his Hypercube printer was causing jams and under-extrusion artifacts in finished prints. A careful analysis of the production drive revealed some weaknesses, e.g. B. how much filament is unsupported on the exit side of the wheel. [Tech2C] The drive has been redesigned to close this gap and bring the opening of the exit tube closer to the drive. The standard drive wheel was also replaced by a wheel with a smaller diameter and more aggressive knurling. Bolted to the stepper, the new drive delivered remarkably improved results – a TPE vase was almost flawless with the new drive, while the old drive had numerous blobs and artifacts. And a pull-back test print showed no PLA covering at all, which means the new drive isn’t just good for the soft stuff.

All in all, a great upgrade for this versatile and hackable little printer. We have of course seen the Hypercube before – this bed height probe with SMD resistors as strain gauges is connected to the other end of the Bowden drive.

Continue reading “A better Bowden drive for floppy filaments”

Shoes may seem simple at first, but they are actually quite complex. It is quite difficult to create a comfortable shoe that can go a full day without blisters and can cope with the stresses of running and jumping, etc. Is it possible to use a 3D printer to create a shoe that can do all of that?

[RCLifeOn] discovered these sneakers from [Recreus] on Thingiverse and decided to print them at home. While [Recreus] recommend printing the shoes in Filaflex material. In this setup, one shoe was printed from thermoplastic polyurethane and the other from Ninjaflex. As two filaments that are well known to be pliable and flexible, the difference in the end portions is actually quite significant. The Ninjaflex shoe is significantly more flexible and cushions the foot better, while the stiffness of the TPU shoe for ankle support is better.

Our host then takes the shoes for a long distance through the forest, battling dirt, mud and other undesirable events. However, both shoes can withstand abuse [RCLifeOn] states that the Ninjaflex shoe is much more comfortable and forgiving for extended periods of wear.

We’ve seen other 3D printed shoe hacks too – like these nifty lace locks.

A group at the Hasso Plattner Institute in Germany investigated a strange idea: to use 3D printing material not just as a material, but as a machine itself. What does that mean? The clearest example is the one-piece door handle and bolt, 3D printed on an Ultimaker 2 with pink Ninjaflex. It is fully functional but has no moving parts (other than itself) and no assemblies. In other words, the material itself is also the mechanism.

The video (embedded below) shows some similar concept pieces: door hinges, a pair of pliers, a pair of walking legs, and a pantograph complete the bundle. Of course, the objects are not designed for durability or practicality – the “pliers” in particular seem a bit absurd – but they show different views on the idea of ​​using the material properties of a single piece as a functional machine for yourself.

Continue reading “3D printed door lock has a moving part – itself!”

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ASA Extrafill Dijon mustard.  Photo via Fillamentum.

Fillamentum provides 4 new colours to ASA Extrafill filament vary

The Czech 3D printing filament manufacturer Fillamentum has added four new colors to its ASA Extrafill filament range.

Three of the new additions are inspired by the upcoming spring season namely “Dijon Mustard”, “Vivid Pink” and “Snow White”, while the company’s popular “Vertigo Gray” color option has been expanded against the backdrop of ASAon Filamentum’s seventh birthday.

The company’s ASA Extrafill filament is now available in a total of 14 color options.

ASA Extrafill Dijon mustard. Photo via Fillamentum.

ASA Extrafill filament from Filamentum

Developed as an alternative to ABS, ASA is a styrene polymer developed for 3D printed functional prototyping and outdoor applications due to its high UV stability and resistance to long-term heat exposure.

In terms of its properties, ASA Extrafill has a higher tensile strength (40 MPa) than the ABS Extrafill filament from Fillamentum (32 MPa) and an elongation at break of 35 percent compared to its 20 percent. ASA Extrafill’s ability to withstand heat and UV light also results in less yellowing of the printed parts.

The filament can be subjected to 3D printing processes at working temperatures between 240 and 255 degrees Celsius, whereby it is recommended to set the hot bed temperature between 80 and 105 degrees Celsius. For thicker parts and to prevent incorrect joining and warping of the layers, Filamentum recommends users not to use cooling for standard objects printed with ASA.

With properties such as low moisture absorption, impact resistance and chemical resistance to alkalis, alcohols, oils, fats, ozone and water, ASA Extrafill can be safely used in electrical and electronic devices. The filament is also recyclable, which is in line with the company’s drive to reduce its environmental footprint on the planet.

Flower pot printed in ASA Extrafill Vivid Pink.  Photo via Fillamentum.Flower pot printed in ASA Extrafill Vivid Pink. Photo via Fillamentum.

3D printing with ASA Extrafill

The ASA Extrafill filament from Fillamentum was used by the aircraft manufacturer Future Vehicles to easily and quickly produce 3D printing prototypes and to test the functionality and compatibility of parts.

A prototype plastic cover was printed using ASA Extrafill to improve the ergonomics of the aircraft interior. The company found that the material is suitable for making components that can be “permanently placed on the aircraft”.

The four new color options of the ASA Extrafill range are manufactured in diameters of 1.75 mm and 2.85 mm and are available immediately on the Fillamentum website.

ASA Extrafill Snow White.  Photo via Fillamentum.ASA Extrafill Snow White. Photo via Fillamentum.

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The picture shown shows a flower pot printed in ASA Extrafill Dijon mustard. Photo via Fillamentum.

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Bulked Steady Filament Nylon Market Segmentation, Measurement, Evaluation, Covid-19 Impression, Insights, Share and Forecast to 2026

Global Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Industry: With Significant CAGR Growing in 2021-2026

Trending Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market 2021: COVID-19 Outbreak Impact Analysis

Chicago, United States The report with the title Global Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market 2021 by manufacturer, region, type and application, forecast to 2026 published by Report to Hive Research includes an assessment of the market that provides the real-time market scenario and its forecasts for the period 2021-2026. The report offers an understanding of the demographic change in recent years. The report provides analysis of the market size, share, growth, trends, as well as statistical and comprehensive facts of the global Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market. This research study provides informative information and an in-depth assessment of the market and its segments based on technology, geography, region, and applications.

The report highlights several key features of the global Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market including the competitive landscape, segmentation analysis, and the industry context. It shows the scope of the market and a brief overview of the definition and description of the product or service. The potential factors that can push the market up have been mentioned in the report. This report provides proven valuable guidelines and instruction to companies and anyone interested in this report to help them consolidate their position in the marketplace.

The key players and new entrants have integrated strategic merger and acquisition activities with one another to demonstrate the factors responsible for changing the dynamics. These changing dynamics are prompting players to keep pace with the increasing demands or to show reluctance to advance the broad spectrum of the global Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon market.

>>>> The study includes profiles of large companies active in the global Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon market. The main actors in the report include: TORAY, DowDuPont, INVISTA, Unifi-Sans Technical Fibers, Universal Fiber Systems

Analysis Of Global Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market By Type:
1100D / 68F
1300D / 68F
1200D / 128F

Analysis Of Global Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market By Application:
The residential sector
The public sector
The automotive sector

Drivers and Risks:
The report covers the fundamental dynamics of the global Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market. It examines various dates and numbers as well as numerous volume trends. A number of potential growth factors, risks, constraints, challenges, market developments, opportunities, strengths and weaknesses were highlighted. Another factor influencing market growth has also been included in the report.

Regional analysis:
The report includes the status of regional development and covers all major regions of the world. This regional status shows the size (in terms of value and volume) and pricing data for the global Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market. The development of the industry is assessed on the basis of information on the current state of the industry in different regions. The type of data assessed for different regions includes capacity, production, market share, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, growth rate, consumption, import, export, etc.

Report offers:

  • Insights into the intact market structure, scope, profitability and potential.
  • Accurate assessment of market size, market share, demand and sales volume.
  • Authentic Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Revenue Generation and Market Development Estimates.
  • In-depth study of the Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market companies, including organizational and financial status.
  • Perception of important market segments including forecast study.
  • Acumen for upcoming opportunities and potential threats and risks in the market.

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Regional coverage: North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, etc.)), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)

NOTE: Our team is studying Covid-19 impact analysis for different industries and country-level impacts for better analysis of markets and industries. The latest edition of this report for 2021 is entitled to add additional comments on the latest scenario, economic slowdown, and the impact of COVID-19 on the industry as a whole. In addition, it will provide qualitative information on when the industry could get back on track and what possible actions industry actors are taking to deal with the current situation.

Strategic points covered in the table of contents:

Chapter 1: Market driving force introduction, product scope, market risk, market overview, and market opportunity of the global Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market.

Chapter 2: Rating of the leading manufacturers of the global Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon market, the composed of sales, revenue and price of the products.

Chapter 3: the competitive nature among the most important manufacturers with market share, turnover and turnover.

Chapter 4: Presentation of the global Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon market by region, market share as well as sales and revenue for the planned period.

Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9: Evaluation of the market by segments, countries and manufacturers with sales share and sales by key countries in these different regions.

Profiling the main actors: TORAY, DowDuPont, INVISTA, Unifi-Sans Technical Fibers, Universal Fiber Systems

This report analyzes leading players in the global Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon market considering their market share, recent developments, new product launches, partnerships, merger or acquisition, and the markets served. We also provide a comprehensive analysis of their product portfolios to study the products and applications they focus on when entering the global Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market. Additionally, the report offers two separate market forecasts – one for the production side and one for the consumption side of the global Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market. It also provides useful advice for new and established players in the global Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market.

Get Free Sample Copy of this Report:

Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market CAGR Competitive Landscape, Market Research, Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market Best Companies In The World, Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market Top Companies In The World, Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Market Trend, Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Trends, Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Growth, Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Industry, Bulked Continuous Filament Nylon Covid-19 Impact Analysis

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Elusive Large Darkish Matter Filament Seen in 3D (Video)

Astronomers have taken their first 3D look at a gigantic filament of dark matter, an invisible cosmic structure that can only be recognized by its gravitational effects on the environment.

The universe is believed to be structured like a jumble, with long chains of mostly dark matter intersecting at huge clusters of galaxies. Because dark matter cannot be seen directly, these filaments are difficult to see. However, with the Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have succeeded in studying one of the elusive cosmic strands in 3D.

The researchers searched for a 60 million light-year long strand of dark matter around the massive galaxy cluster MACS J0717. The galaxy cluster is one of the largest seen to date, located about 5.4 billion light years from Earth.

“From our previous work on MACS J0717, we knew that this cluster is actively growing, making it a key target for a detailed study of the cosmic web,” said study researcher Harald Ebeling of the University of Hawaii at Manoa in a statement Tuesday October 16 ). [Hubble’s Dark Matter Strand View in 3D (Video)]

Ebeling and his colleagues analyzed images of the cluster from the Hubble Space Telescope as well as the Japanese Subaru telescope and the Canada-France-Hawaii telescope. They also used gravitational lens techniques to map the expansion of the massive filament of dark matter.

This huge image shows Hubble’s view of the massive MACS J0717 galaxy cluster. The large field of view is a combination of 18 separate Hubble images. The location of the dark matter is shown in a map of the mass in the cluster and in the surrounding region, which is shown here in blue. The filament visibly extends to the left of the cluster core. (Photo credit: NASA, ESA, Harald Ebeling (University of Hawaii at Manoa) and Jean-Paul Kneib (LAM))

Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity holds that massive objects, including dark matter, warp space, and time around them, cause light passing through them to move on a crooked path. Filaments thus distort the images of galaxies in the background and the researchers were able to convert the image distortions into a mass map for the chain of dark matter that extends from MACS J0717.

Additional observations from ground-based telescopes enabled astronomers to map the structure of the filament in 3D, a first for astronomers. (Researchers say the first identification of a section of dark matter filament was made between the two galaxy clusters Abell 222 and Abell 223 earlier this year.)

The team found that the filament from the core of the MACS J0717 extends back almost along our line of sight from Earth.

At 60 million light years in length, the filament’s sheer size is extreme, researchers said. If representative of other strands, those strings could contain even more dark matter than theorists predicted.

The study is published in the November 1st issue of the Royal Astronomical Society’s Monthly Notices.

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Big Photo voltaic Filament Snakes Throughout Solar in Gorgeous NASA Photograph

A dark line more than half a million miles long curves over the lower half of the Sun in a beautiful photo captured by a NASA spacecraft.

The line is referred to by scientists as solar filament, a large region of dense, cool gas held in place by magnetic fields. According to NASA officials, a straight line would make the filament more than 858,000 kilometers long – the equivalent of about 67 earths arranged side by side.

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), which took the picture on February 10, registers colder materials in the solar atmosphere as dark and hotter as light.

“SDO captured images of the filament at numerous wavelengths, each of which helps highlight material at different temperatures on the sun,” NASA officials wrote in a description of the image.

By capturing images of filaments at different wavelengths and temperatures, scientists can learn more about their causes. Red images highlighting plasma at temperatures of 50,000 degrees Celsius are good for observing filaments as they form and break out, NASA officials said.

The February 10 filament was certainly quite large, but the sun has hosted even larger ones in the past. For example, in October 2014, SDO discovered a filament 1 million miles in length – more than 100 times the width of the Earth and longer than the diameter of the Sun, which is approximately 1.39 billion km (865,000 miles).

Filaments, although sometimes benign, can be explosive. When filaments break through the solar atmosphere, known as the corona, they release a shower of solar plasma particles that either rain back onto the solar surface or escape into space and become a moving cloud known as coronal mass ejection (CME).

On September 2, 2014, SDO recorded a video of a solar filament eruption believed to have sent a wave of solar particles to Earth. CMEs that collide with Earth can create geomagnetic storms that disrupt electronics, cause radio dropouts, and create stunning aurors.

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PLA Filament for 3D Printing Market Report 2020 Market Vital Development and Forecast to 2027

“The global PLA filament market for the 2019 3D printing report was $ xx million in 2019 and is projected to be $ xx million by the end of 2027, a CAGR of xx% between 2020 and 2027.

Invent Date Insights Pvt. Ltd. has published an innovative report titled PLA Filament for 3D Printing. Market Report 2019 Market 2021 Size, Growth, Industry Analysis and Forecast to 2027. This report uses effective methodology such as primary and secondary research that provides vital information. Various market valuation techniques are examined to examine the market. The report has been highlighted based on historical data, current statistics, and future forecasts. At the same time, the financial overview and the latest developments are effectively explained for better insight into the growth of the companies.

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This study examines the impact of global regions such as North America, Japan, China, Latin America, and Brazil. Different perspectives such as economic factors, politics and culture are considered in curating the report. It focuses on the economic growth of the market on a national and international level. It covers the historical records, the current scenario, as well as future forecasts of the PLA Filament for 3D Printing Market Report 2019. It uses systematic methods to solve the problems. It examines effective strategies, market shares, companies’ products, and investments in PLA Filament for 3D Printing. The 2019 market report is also mentioned in detail.

The top players of this report:

Stratasys, 3D systems, BASF, Mitsubishi Chemical, Clariant, Meltink 3D, Advanc3D -offe, SIMONA AG, MG Chemicals, HATCHBOX, ColorFabb, Shenzhen Esun, 3D-fuel, Graphene 3D-Labor, Taulman 3D, ProtoPlant, IC3D, Polymaker , Push Plastic,

It contains the research studies on the current trends in different sectors based on their scope. The analyst on this report focuses on the static and dynamic pillars of the industry for a basic understanding of the strategies. In addition, the drivers and opportunities for the development of the company are identified. In addition, it focuses on constraints in order to analyze the problems from the existing business strategies. It focuses on the various aspects such as application areas, platforms and leading actors around the world.

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Global PLA Filament For 3D Printing Market Report 2019 Market Segmentation

By Industrial PLA Filament For 3D Printing Market Report 2019 Market Product Types:

1.75mm, 3mm,

By Industrial PLA Filament for 3D Printing Market Report 2019 Market Applications:

Automotive, Medicine & Dental, Electronics,

Contrive Datum Insights concluded with an effective innovation, introduction and improvement of products and processes. It sheds light on effective research in different areas and helps to gain insights into desired solutions. Each segment such as drivers, constraints and opportunities is carefully examined to understand the ups and downs of the business.

Key Questions Covered In This Global Research Report:

  1. What are the challenging sectors to advance this Global PLA Filament Market for 3D Printing Report 2019?
  2. Who are the main players and competitors?
  3. How big will the global market be?
  4. What are the recent advances in the Global PLA Filament Market for 3D Printing Report 2019?
  5. What are the limitations, threats and challenges facing the market?
  6. What are the global opportunities ahead of the market?
  7. How does the digital footprint help expand the business structure and economic results?

Table of contents (TOC):

Chapter 1 Introduction and Overview

Chapter 2 Industry Cost Structure and Economic Impact

Chapter 3 Rising Trends and New Technologies with Major Key Players

Chapter 4 Global PLA Filament For 3D Printing Market Report 2019 Market Analysis, Trends, Growth Factor

Chapter 5 PLA Filament for 3D Printing Market Report 2019 Market Application and Business with Potential Analysis

Chapter 6 Global PLA Filament For 3D Printing Market Report 2019 Market Segment, Type, Application

Chapter 7 Global PLA Filament For 3D Printing Market Report 2019 Market Analysis (By Application, Type, End-User)

Chapter 8 Analysis of Key PLA Filament Suppliers for the 3D Printing Market Report 2019 Market

Chapter 9 Development Trend of Analysis

Chapter 10 Conclusion

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Invent Date Insights Pvt. Ltd. (CDI) is a global supplier of market intelligence and advisory services to civil servants in various sectors such as investment, information technology, telecommunications, consumer technology and manufacturing markets. CDI helps investment communities, executives, and IT professionals make statistical decisions about technology purchases and drive strong growth tactics to maintain market competitiveness. With a team size of more than 100 analysts and an accumulated market experience of more than 200 years, Contrive Datum Insights guarantees the provision of industry knowledge in combination with specialist knowledge at the global and country level.

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