SURAT: To the disappointment of the Powerloom weavers, the General Directorate for Trade Aids (DGTR) recommended an anti-dumping duty on imports of nylon filament yarn from China, Taiwan, South Korea and Thailand.
In a notice released on Wednesday, the DGTR stated that the purpose of the anti-dumping duty is to remedy the damage caused to domestic industries by unfair dumping practices by exporting countries. Accordingly, a definitive anti-dumping duty in the range of 30 to 70 rupees per kilogram has been imposed on nylon filament yarn.
Industry sources said the nylon spinning industry was under 70% capacity due to dumping of low quality nylon yarn from China, Taiwan, South Korea and Thailand. With an installed capacity of 1.60 lakh tons per year, the industry produced about 1.10 lakh tons of yarn per year.
Narayan Agarwal, President of the Nylon Spinners’ Association, said, “Surat is the center for the manufacture of nylon filament yarn, which is about 70% of the yarn. An average of 1,300 tons of nylon yarn per month were imported from China and other countries, resulting in a huge loss for the industry. ”
Agarwal added, “The industry has welcomed the DGTR’s decision to impose a definitive anti-dumping duty on nylon yarn imported from China and other countries. In this way we can increase capacity and make new investments in the spinning sector. ”
Vinay Agarwal, Secretary of the Nylon Spinners’ Association, said: “Powerloom weavers have made false allegations against yarn spinners of price increases, unit closures and job losses. The results of the DGTR are based on detailed studies. The industry will not increase yarn prices as they are directly related to raw material prices in the international market. ”
Bharat Gandhi, Chairman of the Federation of Indian Art Silk Weaving Industry, said, “The DGTR’s decision has been disappointing for nylon weavers in the industry. We have called a stakeholder meeting to decide how to proceed, including appealing the decision to the Supreme Court. ”
DGTR imposes anti-dumping obligation on imported nylon filament yarn | Surat Information
